Sunday, August 8, 2010

Horsing Around

A drawing I made a few years ago of the team ready to pull.
Since I featured Buckshot, the stage driver, in the last blog, I ought give the horses equal time. Originally the stage from Wawona to Yosemite Valley was pulled by four horses (the team was changed four times for a total of sixteen horses). Today, there are four horses pulling in teams of two. The female team (sisters, by the way) are Kate and Kathy, and the geldings are Jake and Cole.

A photo from the archive. The horse still looks the same, but Buckshot....

Long time Wawona residents will remember a team of white horses (Trojan and Dapples) and another pair of dark horses (Max and Schwartz).  We've also had a couple of drivers besides Burrel:  Marshall Long and Teri Lopez. It won't be too long before the current horses will be ready for retirement. Hopefully, funds will be found to buy a new team so a new generation of Yosemite visitors can experience the thrill of an authentic wagon ride.


  1. Wow, I really like the sketch of the horses!

  2. You forgot to mention how mischievous those darn horses are!

    They're escapees who eat all the grain and scoff at the silly ranger who tries to coax them back into their corral.

  3. Seems your talents are many and varied. I had no idea you were an artiste as well as a gourmet cook, a photographer, a historian, and a naturalist! Great sketch!
