Monday, July 5, 2010

The Fourth: Come and Gone

As far as I know, Wawona is the only place in Yosemite where Fourth of July is officially celebrated. (I read one letter in the files from a visitor complaining that Yosemite did not celebrate the  Fourth, the Superintendent's reply was that, yes, Independence Day was officially celebrated in Wawona at the Pioneer Yosemite History Center... that's us.)

My day began before 8:00 AM as I arrived early to get some snacks ready for the volunteers. But the volunteer blacksmith, Wayne, and his wife Cyndy, had beat me to the Center and already had coffee brewing! We set out props in the cabins. Sue, another volunteer, had made new decorations for the buildings! Can you tell that we couldn't get along without the volunteers?

In the morning we open all of the cabins that are manned by volunteers. This only happens once or twice a year so it is great fun to see visitors wandering around exploring the cabins and riding the stage.

In the afternoon we have a "parade" of one wagon, two horses and seven people costumed in period clothing taking a lap around the track. Meanwhile we sing patriotic songs. When the stage returns a few stirring speeches are given. After the speeches are the old fashioned games (Sorry no photos of the games, but I was busy helping run them). During the games, an informal concert is given by our volunteer musicians on the porch of one of the old buildings.

In the evening is the barn dance. It is probably the highlight of the day. The Wawona Philharmonic band plays while my boss, Dean, and Sue (the volunteer) teach everyone the fundamental square dance moves. (Nice new move "the pin wheel" was introduced by Sue this year.) This year the barn was packed with about 250 people.

The festivities ended around 10:00 PM. Overall nearly eight hundred visitors shared in the celebration. It was a long day, but also a rewarding one.

PS Did you notice how many times the word "volunteer" appeared in this posting? If you're the first one to correctly count the number of times it appears and post it, you will win a left over egg from the egg toss!

Thanks Kelsey for the use of your photo of the poster.


  1. 8 times. I want my egg!

  2. Yes Tim, you won and your egg is waiting for you in Yosemite... for a couple of bucks I'll eat it for you.

  3. I like the picture of Dean giving his speech. Notice the far away expression on everyone's face.
